Sunday, February 10, 2013

She Wore Python - Beyonce's Controversial Reptile Clothing

image Beyonce python costume

She has faced sharp criticism for her lip singing episode at the p inauguration, now PETA is none too happy with the pop star. Why? Well she wore a costume made from python and iguana skin for her super bowl performance. Forget PETA. I just want to know how it feels to wear the skin of slimy, creepy crawly reptiles. And do entertainers need to be aware that the python is fast becoming endangered species due to the millions of dollars worth of Python skin exported to supply the fashion craze for reptile gear?

I didn’t think much of Beyoncé’s lip sing episode. I did think it was dishonest but if the President of the United states is OK with it then who am I to judge. Wearing reptile skin, however, is another matter. It means that our beloved Beyoncé is somewhat ignorant of the cruel punishment endured by pythons and other reptiles to support the fashion industry.

Beyoncé’s super bowl outfit came at the expense of pythons killed by inflating them like a balloon or filling them with water until they burst. Way to go Beyoncé!

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