Thursday, January 31, 2013

Alicia Keyes to Ditch iphone for Blackberry?

Recently announced as Blackberry’s new International Creative Director, Alicia Keys was tweeting from her iPhone just a week earlier. Now I am sure Alicia was aware more than a week ago that she would be landing this prestigious assignment with the ailing Smartphone provider, Blackberry. However, it would seem that she is not quite ready to dispense with her beloved iPhone and replace it with the “lowly” Blackberry she will be representing.

According to Blackberry CEO Thorsten Heins, the US 14 time Grammy Award winner is a believer in the Blackberry product and technology. Thorstein added that:
We are excited she will be bringing to us her enormous capabilities, as well as a vast network of relationships in the entertainment, social media and business communities, to help shape our brand and grow our business."

For her part Keys goal is to bridge the gap between the work and the play phone. In other words, it would appear that the title of Creative Director entails making the Blackberry more enticing to the younger, hipper and entertainment crowd. She also claims that her goal is to inspire creativity. We can assume then that her mere presence in the company of content creators, app developers and designers will inspire creativity.

Most likely  we will be seeing a lot of Alicia Keys in Blackberry promotions and advertisements. As the creative director, she will also be able to lend her voice and talents to inspire Blackberry to bridge that work-play gap.

What are Alicia’s qualifications to be artistic director for Blackberry? In addition to garnering 14 Grammys for her music she attended the Professional Performing Arts School at the tender age of 12 and graduated 4 years later as the school’s valedictorian.
 Keys is Co-founder and Global Ambassador of Keep a Child Alive providing medicine to families with aids. And yes, she is also beautiful.

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